You still can Red, you still can... if you take a few hours you can make a few builds that still can eat warriors and some casters but your right its not the jack of all trades anymore.
Back in the day yes the N/W was viable for both pvp(iffy but could be done) and pve. It could wipe the floor with most builds you tossed at it and even on your last breath could fire off a skill or attack that would sometimes kill your killer as he walked away from your falling body.
But now with the Assassin, Dervish, and other skill changes made to every class ( I think the bigest nurf to the warrior and the back bone to the major stack of builds related to the N/W being stances form way back) the N/W is sort got the short end of the stick now. Again though thats just my out look on it sense it took me about three weeks to make two builds that could do what I listed below for todays game with out being a button mashing heart attack race to stay alive.
The best way to tell some of you who are trying to do this with the what if in your head builds, math,and non-tested paper builds is to Stress test your build under set guid lines and not some random in your head "i think this looks good" build.
What everyone pritty much excepted as a good answer a long time ago back when it was just Gw 5 main classes is:
N/W is a light warriors who heals while killing its target,spreads minor degen while sometimes gaining regen over vast targets, he can help add damage and spread condtions with great speed, he is more of a shock troop, and goes down fast when there is nothing to leach from or attack. Healing and attacking go hand in hand with a necro when set in blood magic.
But one thing about 75% of the population can agree on is.
The N/W should stick to being a PVE class, A one on one class in pvp and stay out of all other PVP areas unless its AB who cares about Ab builds. Why should it stay out of pvp? because just look at the other classes! Show me a N/W that can hold up against a GOOD assassin or Dervish today and then maby we will talk and look at this N/W god build you made. Show me.
What alot of people can agree on with the W/N is:
W/N are damage abzorbing Power hitters that can stay in the fight for a good amount of time and dish out good clean hits with his sword while keeping himself clean of condtions and his target free of enchants if needed.He can heal in combat because of his armor but should really pull out of combat when he needs to because he can not leach hp from others as well as the Necro/Warrior. Also his Healing spells are really eazy to stop. lets face it healing sig and Lions are slow and to repeat lions you need adren. Healing sig also is a big sign that says "Im droping 40 armor hit me!"
Rather then asking this age old question over and over again I would say stop slaping a few skills togeather and try to blance your N/W out like you should be doing. There is no reason you should not beable to use a N/W in pve and take out the nameless axe,hammer,lighting,master of hexes, energy d, or Rt in one run if you make a good N/W with out dp. Same can be said for doing the jade brother hood group outside of Market in factions, Granted its hard as hell if you have never tryed it but it can be done with out loseing more then half your hp. You can solo all these guys and maby some others I did not list if you make your N/W right and your W/N.
There are vary simple ways to over come the armor diffrence between warrior/necros and Neco/warriors hence why some of the skills in the warrior list have been changed like stances and "Watch your self!" have been for not only the paragon but any other class looking to gain a cheap armor bonus.
As for the healing diffrence again two diffrent types and two diffrent ways of healing. Warriors use Healing sig and Lions to heal and they can even use some other skills to gain hp back through regen but you got the armor to take the hits while you heal and the stances to back you up.
Necros got combat healing, I tuch the target and boom I gain hp,I hex a target I get regen back ,its not alot but I can do it over and over again and take the taget with me if im lucky. Worried about energy? As a necro you shouldn't have to worry about that to much even with only 1 point in soul reaping cause you should not be useing all casting spells anyway as a N/W!
Now don't get me wrong im not going to say the neco/warrior is better or worse then the warrior/necro but I am going to say this. Each one has its own style of fighting and the mass of people know how to use warriors better then necros. Most of the people on this forms should know that and im not pointing the finger at you im just saying we all know there is a guy out there some place who is trying right now to use an MM in an area full of stone golems and wondering why he can not spawn minions with Malign Intervention. If thats not enough for you take a look at the necro Solo farming list, its N/Mo and N/Me and I for one know there are some other builds that you can solo with that are not 55s or Stand behind wall builds.
Here is a good example of a light Fighter N/W. These are just 2 examples of how you can use this in a team or solo if you want to try but sadly with all the skill changes it might not do so well solo. Im just going to hold off tell Anet figures out what the the hell they want to do with the skills. Try these out tweek them if you like but do all of us a favor and don't post random paper builds with out testing them in a place we can all sit down and look at.
And by test them I mean aganst hard targets not lvl 15 or soft targets and mintors don't count.
N/W Pestilence ( this one use to beable to kill anything)
-Sever,Gash,Virulence{E},Final thrust,Shield stance(or bonetti's defence),Healing sig,distracting blow( or "I will servive!"/Savage slash/plage tuch),Rez sig or your choice of skill.
Factions Pestilence: Sever, Gash,Virulence{E},Vile Miasma,Bonetti's Defence,taste of pain,Consume Corpse(or Soul Feast/Necrotic Traversal),rez
(is a much better build then the old prof build because it adds a longer 2 long raged hexes that work togeather, and a combat healing that is faster and does not req a the use of a stance that cost energy.)
These two build Stays true to its light warrior build and still works in team builds. because of the condtion shock you could even use blood spells and keep the death magic {E} with out hindering the build to much and gain regen with life siphon.
The Pestilence build used about 11 sword 11 tactics rest into death and soul
it could wipe out almost any class from distance if they had a condtion or in combat. it had a quick kill speed of 9 to 12 seconds and was Exteamly handy with a mez around. The draw back to this build was its lack of healing and unlike many other N/W of its time it did not use Life sphion to leach form groups of targets to gain hp back. It could be done however with a few tweeks.
This build was so fex that it could be used with W/N builds and with afew skill changes could have about the same killing speed with better damage azorb. The diffrence is Repeating attacks Vs Single attacks
The N/W because of its high energy and higher death magic ment it could spread condtions faster and for a longer set of time, The Warrior could single out a target and kill him Weapon skills faster because of St and Sword mastery rather then spreading condtions and damaging the group around him.
There I hope This helped someone out.